What are the key concepts to understand before uploading an Excel file ?

What are the key concepts to understand before uploading an Excel file ?

Q°emotion solution will integrate the data according to your needs. The Excel file you want to upload is not only made with comments, but also other kind of data that are contextual, and may be interesting to you to filter / group the information.

Status: a status is a type of information. You can define each column of data using the following status code to indicate which columns of data need to be analysed (ie. emotionally) and which columns of data need to be saved as future filters, contextual information, date, etc.   

What is a status filter ?  Filters are the criteria(s) used to search and filter your data for your future queries on the platform (in the advanced search tool).
What is a status information ? Information is the contextual information given with data. Information are not searchable.
What is a status Text ?  Text are the comments, verbatim or conversation or emails expressed by your audience that you want to analyze with the solution.
What is a status PosComment ? Positive Text are the verbatim that answer to a positive question like: what do you like, what did you find good, etc.
What is a status NegComment ? Negative Text are the verbatim that answer to a negative question like: what do you dislike, what did you find bad, etc.
What is a status Date ?  Date is the date of comment or preferably the date of the experience if you have it.
What is a status SatisfactionScore (or CSAT) ?CSAT is the global satisfaction score. Some additional satisfaction scores (less important) can be added using another Header status: Other SatisfactionScore
What is a status RecommendationScore (or Reco)?Reco is the global recommendation score. Some additional recommendation scores can be added using another Header status Other recommendation
What is a status Original Idioma? The Original idioma is the original idioma used by the customer or the audience to answer.
What is a status Do not integrate this column ?Use this to not integrate this column into the platform.

On the second worksheet of the template file, you will need to indicate where are the comments you want to analyze and put a header status for each column you want to integrate into the solution.

All rights reserved: Qemotion France SAS (2021)

Qemotion proposes CXinsights.io, a Customer experience solution: A SaaS solution that is capturing emotions from survey comments and webreviews and that is unlocking valuable insights.

The customer experience management platform showcases the emotions along your real customer journey, the interactions with the staff described by your clients etc.

You can therefore determine in an easier way the key action levers like:

- key insights and variations,

- main irritating points, 

- main enchantment points.

The platform helps you manage and prioritize the improvement actions you want to launch in order to improve the customer experience. As a consequence, you will increase loyalty and decrease churn levels.

The platform helps you also diffuse information into your organization with automated emotional alert systems, that transform your CRM into a Customer Enriched Emotion Management system (CEEM).

More information on: https://www.qemotion.com