What are the limitations of the Excel file expected for the upload ?

What are the limitations of the Excel file expected for the upload ?

In order to transfer information, please use the template file proposed on the upload page and simply copy paste your data into the first worksheet. 

  1. Limitations: Max 50.000 lines /  Max 100 columns (ie. A from CV columns) for your data
  2. Your data should be portrait-oriented (If it is not the case, please copy with transpose).
  3. Your data should have columns with headers on the first line only. (Additional header lines will be considered as data to analyze: please delete them).
  4. The header will be the filters you will refind in the solution: correct them if necessary to get clean data.
  5. Minimum one column with text to analyze (Called with the Header Status "Text", see Worksheet 2.). If you have several columns, it is managed by the solution.
  6. We expect one date column in the following format YYYY-MM-DD for each line. This can be the date of comment (or preferably) the date of the experience or any random date. (Called with the Header Status "Date", see Worksheet 2.)
  7. If your data do not contain any column, we will propose you to give us one beginning and one end date to choose random date into the interval period.
  8. Personal data: email, addresses, personal names, credit card customer information, etc. are prohibited for GDPR reasons. Please do not send us this data, this kind of data is of no use for our analysis.
  9. No special characters in headers: A-Z;a-z are better (Points in header(s) will be automatically replaced with the character "-")
  10. if you insert 3 different files several times with 3 different headers for the same concept, different filters will be created. We advise you to keep the same format to group easily the filter names and facilitate further searches.
  11. Satisfaction score maximum and minimum will be detected from your data. The Satisfaction score will then appear like this: 3/10 on the platform (if 10 is the max)
  12. Recommendation scores are expected from 0 to 10. Adjust it to this scale so that the NPS calculated will be correct.
Want to upload your Excel file ? 

You will need then to allocate every column of the worksheet to a status. 

Please read the following article(s): 

All rights reserved: Qemotion France SAS (2021)

Qemotion proposes CXinsights.io, a Customer experience solution: A SaaS solution that is capturing emotions from survey comments and webreviews and that is unlocking valuable insights.

The customer experience management platform showcases the emotions along your real customer journey, the interactions with the staff described by your clients etc.

You can therefore determine in an easier way the key action levers like:

- key insights and variations,

- main irritating points, 

- main enchantment points.

The platform helps you manage and prioritize the improvement actions you want to launch in order to improve the customer experience. As a consequence, you will increase loyalty and decrease churn levels.

The platform helps you also diffuse information into your organization with automated emotional alert systems, that transform your CRM into a Customer Enriched Emotion Management system (CEEM).

More information on: https://www.qemotion.com